Mass Transit Solutions
To control and regulate high flow of passengers and prevent unauthorsed passage and tailgating,
TANSA offers cost effective, efficient and innovative mobilty solutons with minimum service needs and running costs

Mass Transit
Connecting People in Smart Cities is a challenge. More than 50 percent of the world’s population already livesin cities. Continious growth of urban population requires for these urban areas to turn in to smart cities which requires an efficient public transport system.
Public transportation provides people with mobility andaccess to employment, community resources, medicalcare, and recreational opportunities in around theworld. It benefits those who choose to ride, as well asthose who have no other choice.
The incorporation of public transportation options andconsiderations into broader economic and land useplanning can also help a community expand businessopportunities, reduce sprawl, and create a sense ofcommunity through transit-oriented development. Bycreating a locus for public activities, such developmentcontributes to a sense of community and can enhanceneighborhood safety and security.
For these reasons, areas with good public transitsystems are economically thriving communities andoffer location advantages to businesses and individualschoosing to work or live in them. In times ofemergency, public transportation is critical to safe andefficient evacuation, providing the resiliency needs inits emergency transportation network.
Public transportation also helps to reduce road congestion and travel times, air pollution, and energy and oil consumption, all of which benefit both riders and non-riders alike.

Sustainable Mobility
One of the greatest environmental challenges we face today lies in mobility. People need a seemingly infinite network of vehicles and transportation systems to uphold societies and economies.
Mobility is an essential aspect of life. With urbanization rampantly on the rise, cities are the focal points where safe, accessible, efficient, and sustainable mobility is needed for all. Dramatically increasing passenger and freight transport can pose a threat not only to the global climate, but also to the urban environment, citizen health and livability in cities.
Transportation systems are of great importance in ensuringeconomic, social and environmental sustainability.
14.5% of the total greenhouse gas emissions in the worldoriginates from the transportation sector. If the increase inpersonal car use continues at the current pace, the energy use and emissions of the transport sector are expected to increase by 80% by 2050. Most of the emissions are released in cities with more than half of the world’s population. Masstransportation systems helps reduces the total carbon print.
The Future of Mobility
Technology will form the backbone of mobility in the future. Today, a large portion of mobile devices and connections is in Asia Pacific, the Middle East, and Africa. More data andconnectivity can lead to more efficient and convenient mobility, offering great opportunities for developing countries to leapfrog existing legacy technologies and practices.
Our Product & Solutions
To control and regulate high flow of passengers and to prevent unauthorised passage and tailgating, TANSA offers costeffective, efficient and innovative mobilty solutions withminimum service needs and running costs.
Turnstiles & Gates for Mass Transit
High traffic/high intense turnstiles and gates for public transportation systems
- Hidden Speed Gates
- Tripod Turnstiles
- Swing Gates
Smart City Integrations
- Smart City Transit & Non-Transit Solutions
- Automated Fare Collection System
- Instant Issuance
- Mobile App / QR code / SMS Payment Solutions
- Fleet Management System

Automated Fare Collection Systems
- AFC System builds a modern infrastructure for Public Transportation System using the newest technologies practiced globally
- AFC system ensures to prevent tax losses arising from off the record operations
- AFC Smart cards used for public transportation become payment instruments and city cards allow people to make easy payments for various services
- AFC smartcards are not dependent to any bank; Card owners may top-up using cash or credit card given by any bank.
- AFC system can also integrate the cards with other financial organizations such as banks and mobile operators by keeping CityCard at the center

Features of AFC System
- Supports multi-model transportation
- Supports cards, tokens, mobile payment, QR codes and other means of payment
- Web and mobile services
- Close loop
- Open loop; Visa, Mastercard, and other payment schemes
AFC System Benefits
- Prevents tax losses arising from off the record operations
- Fully Integrated Fare Collection System for public transportation
- Mass transit line optimization; fleet utilization and revenues
- Custom designed solutions for each city & administration
- Complementary city card applications; payment systems, access to stadiums, museums, schools, parking lots, etc..
- City-wide ticket sales operations
- Enhanced analysis & reporting capabilities• Value Added Services to generate revenue for administration
- Citizen satisfaction with secure and reliable service covering daily city life
Solution Stack

Payment Solutions to Address Pain Points in Mobility

AFCS in Transit Projects